10 Ways to Treat Hemorrhoids at Home

Almond oil has deep tissue absorption properties and emollient features. This is hands down the best remedy to treat a bad case of hemorrhoids. Take a few drops of pure almond oil and dip a cotton ball in to it. This will instantly moisturize the area and also bring down the inflammation dramatically. Almond oil also helps get rid of burning and itching sensation that accompanies hemorrhoids.

The pressure you’re creating can increase the likelihood of hemorrhoids, not to mention it can dry out the stool and make it harder to pass. One of the best hemorrhoid home treatments you can do is to improve your diet. Eating fruits like apples, pears, and berries are all high in fiber that can help your digestive system function optimally. Flaxseed, legumes, beans, whole grains and virtually every vegetable will boost your fiber intake, so make sure you’re getting about 30 grams per day.

Warm Bath With Epsom Salt

It is also important to have bowel movements when the urge arises, rather than hold them until a convenient time. Home remedies for hemorrhoids help a lot in providing relief from pain and swelling. These home remedies also act upon the cause of the problem. However, if the hemorrhoids are deep inside the anal region or too much of bleeding takes place, then it is better to consult a doctor too. The home remedies for hemorrhoids can be continued along with the other line of treatment.

10 home remedies for hemorrhoids

Alternatively, mix one and half teaspoons of mint juice, lemon juice, ginger juice and honey together in a cup. Adding fiber to one’s diet is one of the best ways to ease hemorrhoids at home. Men and women should consume at least 38 and 25 grams per day, respectively. Straining during bowel movements and constipation can lead to hemorrhoids and worsen existing ones.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids

When you suffer immense burning sensation on your back side due to piles, ice can be of great help. Along with constricting blood vessels, ice helps in reducing inflammation in the anal area too. You will also get immediate pain relief with application of ice on the area. Use an ice pack for the treatment and repeat it as many times as possible in a day.

10 home remedies for hemorrhoids

When sleeping, reading, or watching TV, lie on your side to relieve pressure on your rectal veins. They improve rectal circulation and strengthen the muscles surrounding the anus. If sitting is making you uncomfortable, consider investing in a donut-shaped pillow to relieve the pressure. Cold therapy can help reduce edema and provide comfort for a short period. Here are some answers to common questions you might have about treating hemorrhoids at home. Many of these stool softeners come in forms like powders, capsules, and liquids that you take by mouth between one and three times per day.

What Causes Hemorrhoids To Flare Up

Follow up by applying an unscented moisturizer with a facial tissue. Then, during pregnancy and childbirth, many women experience hemorrhoids. The pressure of bearing a baby in the belly puts additional strain on the pelvic blood vessels. Struggling to push the baby out when giving birth adds strain on these blood vessels. Stay well hydrated to keep stools soft so they’re easier to pass. Prune juice is a natural laxative and can help you go.

When you're pregnant, your body goes through several changes, and one of them is swollen veins. During prenatal classes, talk to other expectant moms, share your experiences and ask your instructor about natural therapies. You're more likely to get hemorrhoids during pregnancy if you had them before. Postpartum hemorrhoids can develop as a result of pressing during childbirth.

Learn everything about your salivary glands and why they can become blocked. Learn how to treat blocked salivary glands with home remedies. There are plenty of foods full of fiber available, especially bran. For example, just one ounce of raw corn bran contains a whopping 22 grams of fiber. You can also enjoy some cooked adzuki beans, elderberries or whole wheat spaghetti as tasty alternatives.

10 home remedies for hemorrhoids

Stool softeners can be an effective way to treat hemorrhoids because they help to reduce the straining that can cause them in the first place. They also help to keep stools soft and easy to pass, which can help to relieve pain and discomfort. Bidets are devices that spray water from a nozzle to clean the genital area. They can help to soothe irritation and inflammation caused by hemorrhoids. Bidets can also help to keep the area clean and free from bacteria, which may help to prevent future episodes of hemorrhoids.

Who Is At Risk Of External Hemorrhoids

When you are all done, make sure to gently dry off the area so it won’t remain moist. If you leave your skin wet, irritation might increase afterwards. These are just a few of the symptoms you might experience if you are suffering from hemorrhoids. Specialists point out that there are no proven causes of hemorrhoids, but there are a few factors that could lead to their formation. To get to the root of the problem, you need to understand the condition itself.

10 home remedies for hemorrhoids

You should also consider using a psyllium supplement or cereal such as Metamucil or All Bran, respectively. Along with increased fiber intake, it's important to drink enough non-caffeinated, nonalcoholic fluids to help prevent constipation and soften stools. Eight to 10 glasses a day is typical, but the amount needed can differ per person. More research is needed on the use of coconut oil as a treatment for hemorrhoids. Read on to learn about at-home treatments that can help soothe symptoms and possibly prevent hemorrhoids from forming or recurring. Apply over-the-counter products that shrink the inflamed tissue and relieve itching.

As far as home remedies for internal hemorrhoids treatment are concerned, another safe and common alternative is to use lemon juice. This home option will work both for external and internal hemorrhoids, so you can use it for any of these situations. • Take 3 to 4 garlic cloves and boil in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes. Now soak a cotton gauze or clean cotton cloth and apply to your anus to sooth external hemorrhoids. Chilled water proves to be an excellent home remedy and brings more relief. Gently pat yourself dry with a towel, but don’t rub the area.

10 home remedies for hemorrhoids

These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans. Wearing comfortable, breathable clothing, such as cotton underwear instead of nylon, can help prevent perspiration or moisture from building up. Keeping the perianal area dry can help prevent anal itching. This can be done using a small ice pack or cold compress. Make sure the ice is wrapped in a towel or cloth; don't apply ice directly to the skin.


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